Most Baby Registries have a gift bag that you get when you set it up. Target has one, Buy Buy Baby has one, Babies R Us has one, and Amazon has one. (I’m sure there are countless more Baby registries but I will stop at these as they are the ones that I have personal experience with.) These gift bags come filled with coupons and samples of baby items such as bottles, pacifiers, wipes, diapers, diaper cream, etc.
Amazon has a little bit of a different system than the others. With Amazon, you only get your gift after completing their registry guide, having at least $10 worth purchased from the registry and selecting the ‘receive your welcome box’ option on their website.
For a while they were out of stock but a few weeks ago I was able to order mine. It arrived last week.
There was a nice amount of samples in the box.
Inside the box, there was a note with links to purchase larger sized items of the samples.
- Babyganics daily moisturizing lotion
- Babyganics laundry detergent
- Aquafor
- Johnson’s bedtime baby lotion
- Julep Oxygen nail treatment
- Avent bottle
- Event breast shield
- Huggies wipes
- Hughes diapers
- Coconut water
- Coupons
This was a pretty nice selection and I would recommend Amazon Baby Registry to anyone. I still use it and it is so great!